I miss my girlfriend with all my heart...
I miss my girlfriend with all my heart...
ow :(
Love Black Dynamite!
Thanks for watching dude.
Too true! I see people getting tired of the games before they even come out and then saying it needs to be better! Keep making animations BRO!!!!
Thanks bro!
Not bad!
I was looking at this and it made me really think about the difference between drawing and animating. Great voice acting. Alot better than I was expecting. The walk cycles were a little off but the story was moving along pretty good so if you werent an animator you really wouldnt mind. Hoping to see more from you in the future.
Not bad
Ive seen better... but Ive seen a lot worse. Keep at it.
Caught me off guard
I didnt see this coming. It reminded me of Final Destination!!!
Glad I was able to surprise someone. :)
I loved it
This caught me way off guard! I draw like the wind but am just now learning to use flash and animation.You have my respect. Some thing like this requires a lot of work. The more you do this the better you will be. I look forward to see what you will come up with next.
Thank you! Yeah, animation can be hard, all though you're good at drawing. But if you can draw the same on and on, you're getting really into it! :) Good luck practicing, then?
I know this moved me because I watched the whole thing. Nice music and better timing than I think I might have expected.
OK, thanks :)
Quality thats worth waiting for
Smooth sounds where personal expression and style meet with satisfying results
thanks man! :D
This held me in a trace like state for quite a well
sweet... so now all I have to do is figure our how to put hypnotic messages in there to make you do stuff... dumb crazy stuff... like mow you neighbors lawn :3
I do it for the love and the money will follow!
Jedi Artist
Hard Knocks
All up in dere!
Joined on 2/9/08